Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- 2019: Treament of the pelvic floow and uro-genital tract, Roma (Italy).
- 2018: Manual treatment of the cervical and thoracic spine, Palmi (Italy).
- 2018: Expectant Mothers Course, London (UK).
- 2018: Rome Shoulder Course - Revision Arthroplasty, Roma(Italy)
- 2017: Tibial shaft fracture treatment and management, Roma (Italy).
- 2017: Elite Sports:performance and rehabilitation expo, Londra (UK).
- 2016: International Symposium on advances in Osteopathic Research, Bad Nauheim (Germania).
- 2016: Nuove tendenze nella chirurgia protesica della spalla, Roma (Italy).
- 2015: Osteopatia nello sport, valutazione e trattamento dell’atleta. Philadelphia (Stati Uniti)
- 2015: 200 hour yoga teacher training. Insegnante Bhooma Chaitanya. Karunagapally (India)
- 2014: MET Approach to Lumbar Spine, Pelvis & Lower Extremity. Dott. Michael Pye, Londra (UK)
- 2014: Traumatologia nello sport: clinica, chirurgia e riabilitazione. Dott. Alessandro Lelli. Bologna (Italia)
- 2014: Seminario: La Spalla “oggi”. Dott. Giovanni Di Giacomo. Siena (Italia)
- 2014: Hartman’s Master class in Manipulative techniques: upper body. Dott. Laurie Hartman, Londra (UK).
- 2013: Integrated neuromuscular management of myofascial pain (Trigger Points). Dott. Leon Chaitow, Londra (UK).
- 2013: Agopuntura, presso la British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS). Dott. Mike Cummings & Max Forrester, Bristol (UK).
- 2013: Taping and Strapping for Sports Injuries, Dott.ssa Lyndsey Cannon, Londra (UK).
- 2012: ASAP (Axial Spondylitis: Awareness in Pathology) -corso on-line-
- 2012: Internal and external technique in obstetrics and gynecology, Dott. Stephen. Sandler, Anversa (Belgio).
- 2011: An introduction to Still technique, Dott. J.Edis & G. Booker, Londra (UK).
- 2011: Balanced Ligamentous Tension, Dott.ssa Sue Turner, Londra (UK).
- 2010: Osteopathic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation, Dott. Eyal Lederman, Londra (UK).
- 2009: Rieducazione delle patologie della spalla (Modulo B), Dott. Gabriele Severini, Milano (Italia)
- 2009: Rieducazione delle patologie della spalla (Modulo A), Dott. Gabriele Severini, Milano (Italia)
- 2008: Tecar terapia