Sever's Disease is a traction apophysitis of calcaneal tuberosity. In the specific apophysitis is a painful irritation and inflammation of the apophysis (the growth plate). The growth plate is made up of cartilage, which is softer and more vulnerable to injury than mature bone. The growth plate usually fuses by age 15-16. Sever's Disease is the most common cause of heel pain in physically active children, and it is usually seen in soccer, basketball and gymnastics.

Tightness of the Achilles Tendon or calf muscles, leading to increased pressure on the growth plate.
High impact activities.
Poor fitting shoes
Growth spurt
Sever’s disease is more common in boys. They tend to have later growth spurts and typically get the condition between the ages of 10 and 15. In girls, it usually happens between 8 and 13
The most obvious sign of Sever's disease is pain or tenderness in one or both heels, usually at the back. The pain also might extend to the sides and bottom of the heel, ending near the arch of the foot.
The main diagnostic tool is pain on medial-lateral compression of the calcaneus in the area of the growth plate (figure below).
X-Ray is indicate with acute traumatic injury/onset.
Rest (1-2 weeks usually sufficient).
Proper fitting shoes.
Heel pad or orthotic heel support (should be wear bilaterally, to avoid causing leg lenght asymmetry).
Gently stretch plantar fascia and calf muscles.
Massage calf muscles.
Consider deep water exercises in difficult cases.
Dott. Emanuele Luciani
Osteopath, physiotherapist, hatha yoga teacher
Osteopath registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC)
(number 8232http://www.osteopathy.org.uk/home/)
"Centro Studi Tre Fontane"
Via Luigi Perna 51, Rome